December 13, 2018

Senator Young’s Office Helps Return $3 million to Hoosiers

WASHINGTON – In 2018, U.S. Senator Todd Young (R-Ind.) and his staff was able to return more than $3 million owed to Hoosiers by various federal agencies.

A core function of Senator Young’s office is constituent services. The office is able to help Indiana residents who have problems with a federal agency. This often involves helping Hoosiers appeal when payments like veteran’s disability benefits and Social Security benefits are improperly denied.

This year, the office resolved 865 cases, resulting in $3,054,173 returned to Hoosiers. One veteran who first made a Veterans Administration claim in 2005 received a payment of nearly $350,000 after contacting Senator Young.

“Dealing with the federal bureaucracy can often be frustrating and discouraging. I’m very proud of my staff for working tirelessly to help veterans, seniors and all Hoosiers receive what the government owes them,” Senator Young said.

In addition to financial claims, Senator Young has helped recover service medals for Hoosier veterans. In 2018, Senator Young presented Purple Hearts and other medals to a Korean War veteran in Clay County and the widow of a World War II veteran in Bloomington.  

Senator Young has also helped several Hoosiers whose international adoption cases were improperly held up. His work with Ethiopian officials led to several families completing their adoption cases.

Hoosiers who think they may need help with a federal agency can visit and click “Help for Hoosiers”.

