September 27, 2018

Young Statement on Senate Judiciary Hearing and Judge Kavanaugh

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Todd Young (R-Ind.) issued the following statement regarding the testimony of Judge Brett Kavanaugh and Dr. Christine Blasey Ford during today’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing:
“It was important for both Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh to appear before the committee today. I watched the hearing closely and was struck by the power of both testimonies.
“I was not, however, persuaded that Judge Kavanaugh was involved in this alleged incident 36 years ago. I believe Judge Kavanaugh was truthful under oath during today’s hearing, and I trust the statements of the witnesses named by Dr. Ford who said under penalty of felony that they have no recollection of the alleged incident.
“After watching today’s hearing, and conducting a thorough and objective review of his nomination, I remain convinced that Judge Kavanaugh is a man of integrity who will be an excellent addition to the Supreme Court. I will be voting to confirm him.”
