August 6, 2022

VIDEO: Young, Braun Lead Resolution Honoring Representative Jackie Walorski

WASHINGTON –– Today, the U.S. Senate unanimously cosponsored and passed a resolution introduced by U.S. Senators Todd Young (R-Ind.) and Mike Braun (R-Ind.) honoring and celebrating the life and legacy of Representative Jackie Walorski, who served Hoosiers in the U.S. House of Representatives for the last 10 years. Representative Walorski tragically passed away in a car accident on August 3, 2022.

“Jackie and I came to Congress at roughly the same time. I will never forget when she arrived here at the U.S. Capitol. Jackie knew that she belonged here. Jackie understood that this was her calling. She didn’t need people to tell her she belonged… Jackie’s last breath was spent in service. In service to her constituents, to her God, to the great state of Indiana, to her country, to her calling. She loved and was faithful to them all, to the great benefit of Indiana and America… Let that be her legacy,” said Senator Young.

Young also paid tribute to the other victims of the tragic accident, Edith Schmucker, Zachery Potts, and Emma Thomson.

“We grieve them all, and we pray for their family and friends. This is, of course, a profoundly difficult time for those of us who knew one or more of these Hoosiers. We commit to do whatever it is in our power to comfort their loved ones in the difficult days ahead,” said Senator Young.

“As Hoosiers share their memories of Jackie Walorski it becomes clear just how many lives she touched. Faith, family, and community were the values that guided Jackie, and times of mourning show us just how important those things truly are. As friends and family grieve for the four lives lost in this tragedy – Jackie, Zach Potts, Emma Thomson, and Edith Schmucker – we will continue to pray that they find consolation in the memory of their loved ones and the marks they left on the lives of others,” said Senator Braun.

To watch Senator Young’s floor speech on the resolution, click here.

To watch Senator Braun’s floor speech on the resolution, click hereText of the resolution is available here.

