June 2, 2020

VIDEO: Young Discusses Ongoing Protests and Public Health Crisis

2020.06.02; Stakeout

Click here or the image above to view Senator Young’s remarks.


WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Todd Young (R-Ind.) today spoke about the protests occurring across the country sparked by the murder of George Floyd and also addressed our nation’s enduring public health crisis.


“We had a senseless murder of a fellow American George Floyd in recent days and it’s led to – understandably – anger and grief among so many Americans. Great pain. I think we all feel it, I know my neighbors feel it back in the Indianapolis area and this is something that as a nation, as one unified nation, we’re going to get through together. We all want justice, we all want peace, and it is important that those responsible for this egregious act are held accountable. It’s also important that this moment doesn’t get overtaken by acts of violence, and I think everyone wants that as well. So, now is a good time to listen, to learn from one another, and to assess how far we’ve come as a country and how far we have yet to go, and continue to work on that unfolding project that is this experiment in liberty,” said Senator Young.


“I think it is important to remember that we’re also in the midst of a great national trial of natural causes – this pandemic – and there are a lot of people who continue to hurt from that. I just completed a travel around the state of Indiana and visited a number of different cities. I went to a small restaurant by the name of Catabalu in Fort Wayne, I went to Arni’s in Lafayette, I went to a little boutique down in New Albany, I went to the South Bend Chocolate Company, and in each of these businesses they have been very grateful for what Congress, this Republican-led Senate has done in response… so that they can remain financially viable,” Senator Young added.


Click here to view the full remarks.  


