April 2, 2020

WATCH: Young Joins Varney & Co. on Fox Business

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Todd Young (R-Ind.) joined Varney & Co. on Fox Business after the recent passage of the CARES Act, which is providing emergency relief to help families, workers, and small  businesses affected by the coronavirus.


Senator Young discussed his proposal featured in a recent Washington Examiner op-ed to invest in America’s industries of the future as part of the coronavirus economic recovery initiative. As Americans navigate the global health pandemic, the Chinese Communist Party is working hard to use the crisis to its advantage by extending its influence over the world’s economy. Senator Young shared why it is imperative that America not be outflanked.


“There are other countries out there, like the Chinese, who see this as an opportunity to turn a current health pandemic crisis into their own advantage,” said Senator Young in the interview. “Largely by stealing our intellectual property by coming up with a concerted plan to dominate those frontier technologies of the future like artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and some other key areas.”


To watch a clip of Senator Young’s interview, click here.


To read Senator Young’s recent op-ed published by the Washington Examiner, click here.

