September 19, 2017

Young Works to Include Legislation to Boost National Security and NSWC Crane in Annual Defense Bill

Washington, D.C. – Senator Todd Young (R-IN) worked successfully to include three provisions in the annual National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that the Senate plans to vote on tonight, including one that would provide a boost to Crane Naval Surface Warfare Center in southern Indiana.  Senator Young will speak on the floor of the Senate at 4 p.m. to discuss his amendments and his support of the NDAA.

Young’s amendment requires the Department of Defense to seek greater cooperation between the Navy and the Air Force as it modernizes and sustains our nation’s nuclear deterrent.  Crane currently provides significant support to the Navy’s strategic programs, but could provide much more support for the Air Force’s strategic programs. 

“By breaking down stove pipes and looking for commonsense opportunities for joint cooperation, we can keep our country safe and save money,” Senator Young said. “That is not only a win for Crane.  It is a win for the Navy and the Air Force, it is a win for taxpayers, and it is a win for the safety and security of every American.” 

Crane, located in Southeastern Indiana, currently employs more than 3,000 individuals.

Senator Young also worked to include two more amendments into Senate-version of the NDAA.  Amendment 793 requires the Department of Defense to take steps to become more efficient. The Department has more than 1,000 recommendations – including 75 priority recommendations – from the Government Accountability Office that have not been implemented. The amendment essentially requires the Department to implement them or provide a justification to Congress for not doing so. 

“Some of these recommendations go back to 2009 and include things like missile defense, military readiness, and financial management. Taxpayers are right to expect our military to operate as efficiently and effectively as possible.”

Sen. Young’s third amendment, Amendment 882, requires the Navy to conduct a comprehensive review of intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance and targeting capabilities. 

“In light of growing Chinese and Russian maritime capabilities, this review will help ensure that the United States retains the naval supremacy necessary to keep vital shipping lanes open, deter aggression, and defend our national security interests.”

The Senate is expected to conduct two votes on the NDAA starting around 5:30 p.m.

