Strengthening Infrastructure


Known as the ‘Crossroads of America,’ Indiana is a logistics, manufacturing, and transportation hub. Modernizing and investing in our infrastructure is critical for us to remain competitive. I’m working to have a reliable and safe transportation corridor in Indiana for the continuous movement of people and goods. Our highways, waterways, railroads, and airports keep us connected. As a member of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, I’m working to streamline onerous, costly regulations and boost investments in rural America.

What I've Done

I sent a letter to DOT Secretary Elaine Chao in July urging funding for the I-65 Mobility and Access Project, and DOT announced that the Indiana Department of Transportation will be awarded $16 million to construct and modify four interchanges along I-65 in Boone County.

It is critical that we build and improve our recyclable markets. I helped introduce the Recycling Enhancements to Collection and Yield through Consumer Learning and Education (RECYCLE) Act of 2019 (S. 2941) to increase both the quality and quantity of recycled materials.

I continue to value the historic landmarks in Indiana. The enactment of the Restore the New Harmony Bridge Act (S. 1833) allows Indiana and Illinois to reopen the historic Harmony Way Bridge.

I’ve been actively working to utilize public-private partnerships (P3s) for public infrastructure projects. I introduced the Public Buildings Renewal Act of 2019 (S. 932) to enable communities to establish P3s for needed public infrastructure improvements, such as in schools or public universities, by creating $5 billion in new private activity bonds for public buildings.

Introduced the Fair and Open Competition Act (S. 907) to lower government construction costs by increasing competition and opportunities for contractors to bid on government work.

Co-led the bipartisan Great Lakes Environmental Sensitivity Index Act (S. 1342) to ensure data is available for the rapid response and proper management of Great Lakes resources when future disasters occur.

Joined a group of Senators in introducing the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Act (S. 2295) to reauthorize the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative for another five years and increase its funding level from $300 million to $475 million by fiscal year 2026.
